A growing number of active citizens are interested in serviced and community-based living with mixed age groups. However, it is more than hard to find such housing options on the market today.
Plushusene offers modern community-based living with access to additional services in row houses and apartments near scenic natural areas, yet close to public transportation and cities. Every site has a large, shared ‘common-house’ as well as great outdoor facilities, green areas and playgrounds. The development of a new Plushusene site is often done in close collaboration with local municipalities. All buildings are certified and built with quality materials and, importantly, always with the resident’s needs in mind.

Serviced solutions
The Plushusene concept builds on the best components from known community-based living acknowledging modern people’s needs to have their own private spaces and preferences and the freedom to live how they wish.
To support the desire to participate in shared activities, the Plushusene concept includes a host dedicated to facilitating activities the residents may wish for – anything from yoga-classes to running teams, dining arrangements and film nights – or whatever new, local traditions the different Plushusene-communities look for.
At this point, we are looking to establish 10-12 Plushusene-communities across Denmark in a joint venture with Nordstern.