Employee stories

– Frederik Nagel Fryland shares his values-led journey from student analyst to associate in Urban Development

Discovering Nrep: A Values-led Journey from Student Analyst to Associate


The Appeal of Nrep’s Dedication to Making a Difference 

When I first came across Nrep, little did I know that it would become the pivotal point in my career. With my educational background from Copenhagen Business School, where I earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration and project management, as well as a master’s degree in strategy, organization, and leadership, I was initially inclined towards a career in management consulting, like many of my peers. Real estate investments were far from on my radar. However, during my time as a student assistant working with business development at an architecture studio, I conducted market research that led me to admire Nrep as a progressive company committed to transforming the industry and improving the built environment. Their values-based leadership and ambition to “make a difference” deeply resonated with my own aspirations of utilizing my strategic skills to improve cities and the urban fabric.

Proactively Pursuing a Position at Nrep 

Despite being aware that my profile didn’t align perfectly with the finance-focused positions available at Nrep at the time, I decided to take a proactive approach and apply anyway. I was honest about my shortcomings but expressed my ambitions and highlighted my relevant qualities. My approach was to be curious, by asking many questions and listening, and to use my network to explore if there was a match. Fortunately, the hiring contact recognized my potential and recommended me for a different role within Nrep’s Urban Development team. This position allowed me to merge my background in project management and business strategy with my interest in urban development, contributing to identifying how Nrep remains a relevant and trusted problem-solving partner to the cities we work with.

Environment that Prioritizes Impact and Learning 

One of the main factors that attracted me to Nrep was the opportunity to work in a diverse and high-performing team. I wanted to be surrounded by skilled individuals who would inspire and challenge me. I joined a truly diverse team, comprising professionals from various backgrounds, including social entrepreneurship, urban planning, real estate development, politics, and management consulting. Working closely with Jens Kramer Mikkelsen, the former Lord Mayor of Copenhagen and now Urban Development Director in Nrep, has been an invaluable source of inspiration for my career growth. Learning from someone with over 40 years of experience in politics and city transformation has broadened my perspective on urban development. Every day, I learn something new and expand my professional network, with the support and guidance of my colleagues, and especially my leader.

Inspiring Others With an Unconventional Background 

Reflecting on my journey, I have come to realize the importance of finding a workplace that prioritizes impact and learning. By following my passion and staying true to my values, I have maintained a strong sense of personal integrity and motivation to excel, even on grey Mondays. Being surrounded by brilliant and supportive colleagues, especially having a leader who believes in my potential and helps me realize it, has been instrumental in my personal and professional development.

I share my career story as an example of how individuals with slightly unconventional backgrounds can shape and develop their careers within Urban Partners. I hope to inspire others who may not fit the traditional mold. Urban Partners is a workplace where talented individuals can make a difference in the built environment. If you have that ambition, I strongly encourage you to seek a career here regardless of your background. I think that Nrep and Urban Partners offer an inspiring work environment for aspiring professionals who want to work with a progressive thinking around urbanism and commitment to impactful investing for people and the planet.